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The Wishbeads Podcast

Mar 27, 2020

Since 1972, William Reed has lived in Japan studying and teaching Samurai Culture. Through his mastery in the art of calligraphy and Nanba (Art of Physical Finesse), he has developed a 4 step process to help people pursue, present and profit from their passions. Learn more about his work

Mar 20, 2020

If there’s ever been a time for maintaining our wellness, for deep breathing, for positive intentions, the time is now. Here are some thoughts to help keep you strong, optimistic, confident and calm. We're in this together! Learn more about our wellbeing resources...

Mar 18, 2020

Activate your immune system and calm your mind. Close your eyes, relax your body and listen often. This guided visualization is yours to enjoy on demand. For more resources to improve your wellbeing, head over here.

Mar 13, 2020

Felicia Alexander, recovered corporate executive and most recently, co-Founder of Box Union, knows how to lead life with a generous spirit. Her boxing studios teach you how to relieve stress and build strength by boxing to the beat, but as a leader, her true genius is helping others through connections. She lives the...

Mar 6, 2020

Shannon has built his top-rated podcast SOUL FEED, his meditation following, and his business by listening to his heart, serving the world, and quieting his mind. We chat about entrepreneurship, mindfulness and living life with your eyes (and hearts) wide open. Read more about Shannon